FOA - trade union (fagforening) and unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse)

"Sammen gør vi forskellen" means "Together we make the difference". Joining FOA will make you part of a large community with common interests. You will have access to legal help and expert advice about your working conditions.

How to join FOA

Use our online form (in Danish) or give us a call

FOA gives you:

Trade union + unemployment insurance fund
943,50 kr. per month*

Most popular

Only unemployment insurance fund
534 kr. per month
Only trade union
409,50 kr. per month*
Professional expertise in your field
Legal advice
Income maintenance and help if you're unemployed
Help for an effective job search
Advice on late retirement
Check of your salary and financiel overview
Influence on wages and working conditions
Help in the event of illness and work-related injuries
Negotiation of your collective agreement
Help for a good working environment
Fagbladet FOA
Extra safety in the economy with salary insurance
Cheap insurance and banking products
Discounts and experiences
A wide selection of courses and events
943,50 kr. per month*
534 kr. per month
409,50 kr. per month*

*The price is an average, as there may be a difference in membership dues in the local FOA branch.

See membership dues in the local FOA branch (in Danish)

Trade union + unemployment insurance fund943,50 kr. per month*

Most popular

We are close to you. With 31 local branches, you can get personal help both when you are at work or if you become unemployed.

*The price is an average, as there may be a difference in membership dues in the local FOA branch.

  • Professional expertise in your field

  • Legal advice

  • Income maintenance and help if you're unemployed

  • Help for an effective job search

  • Advice on late retirement

  • Check of your salary and financiel overview

  • Influence on wages and working conditions

  • Help in the event of illness and work-related injuries

  • Negotiation of your collective agreement

  • Help for a good working environment

  • Fagbladet FOA

  • Extra safety in the economy with salary insurance

  • Cheap insurance and banking products

  • Discounts and experiences

  • A wide selection of courses and events

*The price is an average, as there may be a difference in membership dues in the local FOA branch.

See membership dues in the local FOA branch (in Danish)

Only unemployment insurance fund534 kr. per month

Your a-kasse secures you financially if you become unemployed.

  • Professional expertise in your field

  • Legal advice

  • Income maintenance and help if you're unemployed

  • Help for an effective job search

  • Advice on late retirement

  • Check of your salary and financiel overview

  • Influence on wages and working conditions

  • Help in the event of illness and work-related injuries

  • Negotiation of your collective agreement

  • Help for a good working environment

  • Fagbladet FOA

  • Extra safety in the economy with salary insurance

  • Cheap insurance and banking products

  • Discounts and experiences

  • A wide selection of courses and events

*The price is an average, as there may be a difference in membership dues in the local FOA branch.

See membership dues in the local FOA branch (in Danish)

Only trade union409,50 kr. per month*

Your trade union ensures your rights and you get expert advice throughout your working life.

*The price is an average, as there may be a difference in membership dues in the local FOA branch.

  • Professional expertise in your field

  • Legal advice

  • Income maintenance and help if you're unemployed

  • Help for an effective job search

  • Advice on late retirement

  • Check of your salary and financiel overview

  • Influence on wages and working conditions

  • Help in the event of illness and work-related injuries

  • Negotiation of your collective agreement

  • Help for a good working environment

  • Fagbladet FOA

  • Extra safety in the economy with salary insurance

  • Cheap insurance and banking products

  • Discounts and experiences

  • A wide selection of courses and events

*The price is an average, as there may be a difference in membership dues in the local FOA branch.

See membership dues in the local FOA branch (in Danish)

Why become a member of FOA?

Welcome to FOA!

FOA is Denmark’s third largest trade union. Since 1899, we have been fighting for better pay and working conditions for our members.

Our main task is to conclude collective agreements that ensure a good wage as well as modern and orderly working conditions.

Ласкаво просимо до FOA

FOA є третьою за чисельністю профспілкою Данії з приблизною кількістю 167.000 членів у 32 представництвах. Починаючи з 1899 року, ми боремося за кращу заробітну плату і гідні умови праці для наших членів. Більшість з них працевлаштовані у державному секторі та регіонах, проте ми також організовуємо працівників у приватному секторі.